Master Bedroom Closet Organization (Day 8): 30 Day Organization Challenge
Our Master bedroom did not have any closet whatsoever, at our last house. Somehow, we managed to make a small, maybe three foot wide, bureau, work for three years. My husband and I both had our own bureau, but three feet wide is probably a stretch.
It didn’t take us long to build up larger wardrobes here in Hawaii, and before long, our walk-in closet felt overrun with clothes and shoes. So, about a year ago, six months after we moved in, I decided to completely reorganize our closet. I worked on one section at a time. First, my side of the closet, and then his, and then I reorganized the shoes. As I worked on each section, I took everything out and placed it on our bed. I left our shoes on the floor.
Closet Organization Process
After I pulled all of my clothes out, I went through every piece. Clothes that didn’t, got donated. If I haven’t worn it in two years, I donated it. If I just didn’t like it, I donated it. Even though I live in Hawaii now, I held onto my winter clothing, knowing that I won’t always live in Hawaii. But I did get rid of the winter stuff that I’m not too fond of. It was much easier to do, knowing I wouldn’t need it for a few years.
As soon as I decided to keep a piece of clothing, I would put it back into our master bedroom closet, in the order I had already decided. I choose to color coordinate everything on each side. I find this to be the most user-friendly way to organize my clothes. But of course, everyone is different, so just like with your kid’s clothes, find a system that works for you. My husband’s side started off color coded, but he doesn’t really keep it that way, and that works for him.
A Few Quick Tips
A few thoughts as you are going through your clothes. First, I know we tend to hold onto clothes that may fit us one day. I’m just as guilty of this as the next person. But if it’s been hanging out in your closet for a couple years, just making you feel bad because it doesn’t fit, just let it go. You’ll feel so much better when you do.
Second, if you have clothes in your closet that you don’t really like? Donate them! Your clothes should make you feel good. Same thing with shoes, let them go if you aren’t sure that you like them or if they are uncomfortable. I just think life is too short for uncomfortable shoes 🙂
Finally, if you are married or living with your significant other, I recommend asking them to get involved. It took a few years, but as my husband has watched me pare down over the years, he has jumped on the bandwagon. But I didn’t force it. I tried to when we were first married, and it just caused frustration on both sides. Organization is not worth an argument with your significant other. Just my two cents.
Master Bedroom Closet Organization Ideas
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Bins and Baskets
Large baskets and bins are a great way to add storage to your master bedroom closet! You can store sweaters, pants, purses, scarves, and so much more! These are great for storing on the top shelf in your closet. This works especially well if you have wire shelving in your closet.
Shelf Dividers
If you prefer to see all of your items, shelf dividers are a great alternative to baskets and great use of shelf space. I think these work best when you have wood shelves, but they do make a version that works with wire shelving.
Belt, Tie & Scarf Storage
I used to try and store all of our belts, scarves and my husband’s ties, in drawers, and it just took up too much space. We’ve used a few different methods over the years but hanging these items up in the closet has made a HUGE difference in our storage space.
Shoe Storage Ideas
I may have a shoe problem…so we currently store a lot of shoes in our bedroom closet. I’ve used Ikea shoe storage in the past but found that when I couldn’t see what shoes I had, I wore the same shoes every day. I bought open shelving in this house, and I love seeing my options as I pick my outfit out for the day.
Hope this gives you a few options for using your space to its maximum potential.
Happy organizing!