Book Organization (Day 19): 30 Day Organization Challenge
For today’s challenge, we are going to tackle book organization. We are going to look at three common ways people organize their books. Additionally, we will be going through all of our books! Before you start pulling books off of your shelves, let’s look at some options for organization. I like to have a plan before I get started.
Book Organization by Color
If you’ve looked up anything organization lately, you’ve seen the color-coded organization trend. If you’re digging this trend, you may want to consider organizing your books this way. Some people argue that organizing your books according to color, makes them easier to find. Though I have also heard the argument against color-coding for the opposite reason: it makes them more difficult to find.
It all comes down to preference, in my opinion. If you like the look of it, give it a try. Pull everything off your shelf and group your books according to color. The order in which you put the colors is totally up to you. Just have fun with your shelves until you like the way they look.
Organize Your Books in Alphabetical Order
Another method for organizing your books, is in alphabetical order. You can do this according to the author’s last name or the name of the book. I don’t pay enough attention to author’s name, so this would never work for me. But if you love alphabetical order, go for it! I would pull all of the books off the shelf, and start laying piles from A to Z, according to author’s last name or the name of the book.
Book Organization According to Genre
This is my favorite method. I don’t memorize author names or book names, but I always know what genre my book is in. In our home we have the kids’ books, my fiction books, my leadership or entrepreneur books, and hubby’s counseling books and theological books. There is a lot of variety in our home, so this method just makes the most sense.
I recently moved our books from the sitting room/library into the dining room. We all wanted a home gym, so a sitting room/library wasn’t a necessity. But I never reorganized the books during this process, so today was a good day to get it done. This project will probably take you a longer than 30 minutes, especially if you have a lot of books like we do. Just be patient. And if you have more than one bookshelf, I would consider working through one at a time.
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