Organize Electronic Cords and Wires (Day 22): 30 Day Organization Challenge
Every move we have made in the past twenty years, has come with one box that reads “babe, don’t open.” This my friends, is the various electronic cords. While these boxes have gotten smaller and smaller over the years, these cords are still my nemesis. Today, we are going to organize our electronic cords.
The only way I have been able to stay on top of the crazy cords and wires is by constantly making my family go through them! I’m talking a couple times a year. We try to keep track of what electronics we throw out so we can throw away the cords. My husband is a musician, so he has a ton of cords in his studio. But even he has learned how to stay one top of what he does and doesn’t use.
Let’s look at what electronic cords and wires to organize, and what to pitch.
- If it’s broken, throw it away! This sounds easy but you may be surprised at how many broken cords and wires you have, and don’t even realize.
- If you don’t have the electronic that uses the cords or wire, throw it away. This means actively looking through all of your wires and finding a mate for them.
- If you have multiple of one cord and do not have multiple of the mates, pitch a couple. I know this is hard but it’s worth it! Some of our electronics that we don’t use often, share the same chargers, and we don’t keep one for every item. I’ve never regretted that decision.
- If you no longer use the electronic, grab its mate and donate or pitch them both.
Systems to Organize Your Electronic Cords
Once you have gone through everything and decided what stays and what goes, now it’s time to find everything a home. I have used multiple systems over the years. The key to keeping them all organized is wrapping them up and labeling them. There are free ways to do this with items you probably have on hand, rubber bands and scotch tape. And there are bins and fun ways to organize them as well. Above all, find a system that works for your family. I’m actually planning on changing up my system and buying the following items.

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