Organize Household Cleaners (Day 9): 30 Day Organization Challenge
I was looking around my kitchen today and realized I had failed to organize my household cleaners earlier this week. In true Rebecca Boyd fashion, I turned on some Taylor Swift, and randomly started pulling things from out from under my sink to organize. It definitely took me less than 30 minutes to do. I will say I organized under my sink within the last six months, so it may take you longer. Anytime I go to pull a cleaner out and I notice bottles piling up, I tend to pull everything out.
First thing first, let’s pull everything out from under our sink. Go ahead and wipe down the cabinet and wash any bins you are using to organize your cleaners.
Now we need to go through all of our cleaners. This is another one of those areas where I think people have a hard time letting go. How many times have you bought a cleaner that someone else raved about only not to like it? And then it just sits in your cupboard. Is that just me? If we aren’t going to use the cleaner, why hold on to it? Give it to a friend or dispose of it. It’s okay not to use it.
After you have gone through all of your cleaners and decided which ones to keep, see if there are any that need to be refilled, or combined. Now is the time to take care of all of that. Do you have old sponges that need thrown away? Go for it! Let’s only put back what we use, what we want, and what belongs under our sink. Everything else must go.
One quick tip: I like to store my cleaners in my kitchen, but also in the rooms that I use them. So, if you look under my sink, you won’t find my bathroom cleaners. They are in my bathrooms. I find it easier to do a quick cleanup, if the cleaners I need are nearby.
Household Cleaner Organization Bins
Lately I have been eyeing up some bins and drawers and pretty ways to organize my household cleaners. I haven’t committed to anything yet because I know I am moving in a couple months, and I’ll want to redo things for my new house. But I have seen some beautiful under sink organization, so I’ll share a few of the things I’ve got my eyes on.
There are so many fun ways you can use these ” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>stackable shelves/drawers are a great way to use vertical space, if you have it. And I’m basically always a sucker for
That’s it for today’s project. Hopefully it was a quick one for you after yesterdays closet organization. Remember, if you fall behind or any of these projects take you longer, just slow it down. Every one of these organization projects I do a couple times a year. If this is your first time trying to get things in order, be patient with yourself. Staying clutter free and organized is a marathon, not a sprint 🙂