Organize Your Board Games (Day 21): 30 Day Organization Challenge
Today we are going to organize our board games. I have this closet, in our upstairs hallway, that I am dreading going through. Board games are stored in there, so I figured I’d start here and work one project at a time. I love organization, but I do get overwhelmed when I look at the big picture sometimes.
To start, I pulled all of the board games out of the closet. I went through them one at a time, making sure all of the pieces were in fact still in the box. I know, this is tedious, annoying even, but it must be done. Don’t you hate when your family finally decides what game to play, and you set it up only to realize it’s missing pieces? Yeah, let’s avoid that. Or worse yet, you buy a game second hand and later find out it’s missing pieces?!? Let’s not do that to another family either.
As you go through each game, get rid of the games with missing pieces. And donate the games your family no longer plays with. Most items I like to say if you haven’t touched it in a year, let it go, but not board games. Sometimes we just go through phases where we play them and phases where we don’t. I keep the ones we still like.
Once you are done going through and making sure all pieces are intact and you’ve decided which ones to keep, it is time to put them back on the shelf, or wherever you store them. Maybe even pull one out for your family to enjoy.
Systems to Organize Your Board Games
Some blogs I’ve read over the years, swear by taking board games out of the boxes, and putting them in clear plastic bins. I added a few links to the types I have seen recommended most often. When my kids were little, I seriously considered this because I hated how rough they were on the boxes. But now that we have teenagers, I prefer keeping board games in their original box. You know I LOVE a clear bin, but this is one of those times I prefer original packaging.
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