Shoe Organization (Day 17): 30 Day Organization Challenge
We have made it to day 17 of our organization challenge and it’s time for shoe organization. I touched on this topic briefly during our master bedroom closet organization, but I think this challenge needs its own day. I’ve noticed my family has a lot of shoes laying around, so I am going to go through all of them.
I worked on this project one person at a time. The first thing I did was gather all of my shoes from the various places I store them and put them all in one spot. As I went through them, here are the things I considered:
Are they comfortable? Once upon a time I was all about style over comfort. But the older I’ve gotten the more I’ve realized two things. One, I can have style AND comfort. And two, no pair of shoes are worth the pain. I need my feet to be comfortable. So, if your shoes are too tight, too loose, cause blisters, rub the back of your foot, or hurt your feet in any way, get rid of them. Wash them and donate them. Chances are that if they are uncomfortable, they are probably still in great shape because you haven’t been wearing them.
Have I worn them in the last year? There are exception to this rule, depending on your lifestyle. But for the most part, if I haven’t worn a pair of shoes in the last year, I will donate them. We currently live in Hawaii and I wear slippers (sandals) all year long. The only time I wear closed toe shoes is when I am at work. I have kept my closed toe shoes, knowing that I will be moving this summer.
Another time I will make an exception, is if I have shoes for special occasions. In the military world, we have formal balls once or twice a year. As a result, I have held on to the same black dress shoes for the past few years. I only ever wear them to balls. Since my husband is retiring, I decided to go ahead and retire my black heels. Truthfully, I don’t love them anymore.
Do they still match my style? Maybe it’s just me, but my style changes a lot. Especially when it comes to shoes! I have a tendency to hold on to certain pairs that I USED to love and wear all of the time. But the reality is, if they don’t match my current style, it’s okay to let them go. This is when I tend to refer back to the question, “Have I worn them in the last year?” If I haven’t, is it because they just no longer match my style?
Once you have gone through all of your shoes and donated what you don’t wear, it’s time to put them back on the shelf. I have used many systems over the years, but my favorite is one where I can see my shoes. If I don’t see what I have, I don’t wear it. It’s weird, but it’s just the way I am. I also like to organize my shoes, putting like items together. All of my sandles in one spot, my tennis shoes together, etc. Below are a few of my favorite shoe organization systems I have used over the years. But as always, find a system that works for you and your family.
Shoe Organization Systems
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