Storage Closet Organization (Day 23): 30 Day Organization Challenge
Today we are tackling our storage closet organization. Remember the storage closet I mentioned last week while organizing our board games? Today it’s time to take the next step! And it’s a much bigger one.
I’m assuming I am not the only one with some sort of catch all room, closet, etc. Every house I have lived in as an adult, there has been that one space that drives me crazy. This is that space. I didn’t start working on it until 8:00 pm this evening, knowing I have to open the store tomorrow and I am going to be exhausted. My daughter saw me pulling everything out and said, “Why would you tackle this when you work in the morning? That closet is a mess!” Why is a wonderful question! None the less, here we are.
The Process
I picked up a couple clear bins today to help organize the shelves. I may grab a few more before I’m done organizing this space. As I was pulling items out of the closet, I decided to organize as I went rather than emptying it all first. There is just too much stuff in that space! I created a pile for “donate,” and then started categorizing items. As I pulled things out, I also filled the new bins with home decor and picture frames that I am keeping until we move into our forever home. I have a few items I’m not quite ready to get rid of even though they don’t fit in this house.
Once I went through everything, I cleaned the closet. That felt pretty good! We’ve been here almost two years and that’s the first time I have cleaned that closet since the initial move in. I began putting everything back, and it all fit much better! It felt good to donate the things I knew were just taking up space. I’m pretty sure this closet will be downsized again, when we move. But for today, I am calling it a win in the storage closet organization category 🙂

If you have a closet like me, don’t stress about going through every little thing. Today was about going through the big things. I still have paperwork and pictures I need to go through but tackling all of that in one day would take way too long. Just go through the big stuff, decide what to keep and what to donate, and we will move on to the smaller stuff soon.
Storage Closet Organization Bins
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