Kitchen Cabinets: 30-Day Organization Challenge (Day 4)
I was thinking through my organization schedule today, as I was organizing my kitchen cabinets, and wondering if I wasn’t sharing enough steps each day. I heard a video my son was listening to in his class, that reminded me why I do it this way. The video was talking about how learning new habits needs to happen in small, bite size, pieces.
I used to get really overwhelmed with projects before I started them. I had a tendency to see the whole thing and freak out about how long it would take or where I should even start. As I got older, I realized that anything can be accomplished when you break it down, one step at a time. This is how I accomplish everything, including organizing my house.
Keep that in mind as you tackle organization projects in your home. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the gorgeous homes and closets on the internet and social media. But organization needs to be slow and steady and meet the needs of your family. So, let’s move on and finish our kitchen cabinets!
I started pulling dishes and Tupperware out of my kitchen cabinets today and put in about an hour of work. I didn’t mean to, but it was slow and steady, and I ended up finishing the kitchen cabinets. As you work through each section of your kitchen, continue to take everything out of each cabinet, one at a time. And as you are going through your items, don’t be afraid to throw away or donate what your family just doesn’t need anymore.
I’ve noticed that a lot of people have various Tupperware and lids in their kitchen cabinets, but don’t always have matching pairs. It doesn’t have to be pretty, but make sure your containers all have a lid and vice versa. If you have loose odds and ends, pitch them. It’ll make finding the right lid much easier next time!
Glass Containers
I have a lot of glass bottles between my Kombucha bottles, vases and Mason Jars. I use every one of these glass jars, but I pulled them out to look through them and clean the cabinet. But the idea is the same, get rid of what you aren’t using or don’t love. I think we have a harder time with glass, but it’s okay to let it go.

Mixing Bowls and Glass Bakeware
I have my favorite mixing bowls, and glassware. Am I the only one? You know the one’s you always grab, and you HATE when they are dirty? Yeah? Keep those ones. I recently donated the ones I don’t like. I’d rather wash the bowl I want, then settle for the one I don’t. And if you have too many? It’s okay to donate a few. How many do you really use?
Towels and Potholders
We use so many hand towels in our house! My drawer is only empty because I need to wash laundry. I pretty much keep them until they are falling apart. I still have some from our wedding, twenty years ago. But maybe you don’t use as many? That’s your call. Just keep what you use and let go of the rest. I only have a handful of hotpot holders, so I’ll hang onto those. Most of them are from our wedding as well. I do know how to hold onto things from time to time 🙂
Pots & Pans
I’m pretty sure this is NOT normal, but I have two sets of pots and pans. The ones I love, and the ones I buy when we move to a new duty station. I use them while I am waiting for our household goods to arrive, and then I use them after everything has been packed up. Once we are ready to leave, I donate them. This is probably an insane practice, but it works! Since my hubby is retiring though, this practice will be coming to an end. Go through and keep what you love. Anything rusty or broken, as well as the items you don’t use, let them go. Don’t forget to look at your lids and make sure there is a pot for every lid.

Silverware and Bakeware
I forgot to take a picture, but I keep one or two of every kind of spatula/baking utensil I use. No more. I don’t use or need more. Same thing with silverware. I have one set. I keep a couple sets of measuring cups and measuring spoons because we use them every day. But I did throw away two incomplete sets today.
That’s it for today! Hopefully your kitchen is starting to feel organized. Remember take it one step at a time. Be patient with yourself. And if you’re new here, check out days one, two and three. See you tomorrow!