Organization Challenge (Day Two): 30-minute Freezer Cleanout
For today’s 30-minute organization challenge, we are going to finish our fridge/freezer. We will be cleaning out the freezer and wiping down the outside of our fridge. I used almost the same steps as I used with the fridge clean out, with a few minor exceptions.
Freezer Organization Steps:
- STEP 1: Take everything out of the freezer. You can work in sections if you prefer, like we did in the fridge, but I just took everything out at once.
- STEP 2: Remove any bins/drawers and wash them. For wiping down the inside of the freezer, I find a hot rag to do the job best. Every spray I have ever tried, just ends up freezing 🙂
- STEP 3: It’s time to go through everything and get rid of what we don’t need. I think most people keep too many old items in their freezer. We can easily justify that it’s frozen, and probably “fine” but here is how I decided when it’s time to pitch. First, anything freezer burnt is out. And second, anything we haven’t eaten in 6 months I pitch. Now, I am a little extreme about not holding onto things we don’t use. I really do think if you haven’t used it in a year, it’s time to let it go. That’s my rule on a lot of things in my life. You’ll be hearing me say that a lot int he next 30 days.
- STEP 4: Put everything back in. Again, I like to break up sections in my freezer. I currently have the following sections: veggies, fruits, meat, quick snacks (teenage son’s shelf), vegan items (teenage daughter’s shelf), treats, and one miscellaneous.
That’s it! Easy, peasy. I like to clean out both the fridge and the freezer, a couple times a year. It really helps to stay on top of it. So anytime your freezer is looking bare, go ahead and empty it out and give it a quick scrub! You won’t be sad you did.
Outside/Top of Fridge
Since I was able to get the freezer cleaning/organization done in less than 30 minutes, I decided to tackle the outside and top. I know a lot of people shove items on top of their fridge, but I don’t. Usually, the only thing up there is dust! In our current home, we have two appliances on top because there is literally nowhere else for them to go.
To clean the outside, you guessed it, take everything off. Every magnet, kids drawing, etc. And we are going to do the same with the top. Go through every item. Is it time to pitch the pictures? Or maybe store them? As you decide what gets to stay on your fridge, go ahead and give it a quick wipe down. Don’t forget that dusty top!
Once you’ve gone through every item, and wiped everything down, it’s safe to put back what you want to keep. I hate magnets on my fridge. I don’t know why. And now that my kids are teenagers, I rarely have any drawings up there. But I do have a calendar and chore chart that I love!!! I’ll add the link below.
If you love magnets or you’re still in the phase with the awesome kiddo drawings, great! Hang those babies back up. But I think it’s important to take everything off, wipe it down, and assess what should stay, every once in a while. I’d say probably once a month.
That’s a wrap! Day two is in the bag. If you have any questions about specific items, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here or on my Instagram. I would love to hear from you!
Freezer Organization Bins
*As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Here are a few of my favorite freezer organization tools, as well as my fridge calendar, if you’re looking for ways to add that extra touch to your freezer! Bins are definitely my preferred organization method for food, especially when they have labels.